Sunday, January 30, 2011

My First Week!

Things have been totally crazy here. I know it’s been more than a week since I checked in but I have been busy all day everyday. My roommate and I had planned to live with this girl Claire. Sadly Claire couldn’t live with us because she has a different end date. Happily she ended up literally across the hallway from us and her roommate, Marybeth, is totally awesome!

Here is a picture of us at Check In day. I forgot to add it to my last post.

Me, Chelsea, and Claire

So Wednesday was check in day.

Thursday or the day after check in day you’ll have the day off. I have the most amazing roommate ever. She’s a seasonal cast member so she had an extra holiday pass to get 3 people in. So Claire, Marybeth and I met up with her and her mom.

We spent the day hanging out at Magic Kingdom.

We had a total blast. It was definitely cool to be in the park a day earlier than everyone we checked in with. We spent the day looking at the costumes some of us would be wearing. Claire works in Frontierland at Tom Sawyer Island and The Country Bear Jamboree. Marybeth is a Character Attendant.

I work at….


Thursday was also the night of our welcome party. It was an Arabian Nights themed party. There was a DJ, free food (a big draw), and pictures with characters. They also had games we could play to win prizes. The food was pizza, pop, and chips but we were happy with it. The DJ played some pretty good stuff so we hung out and danced for a bit. After we got in line to have our picture taken with Abu and Genie.

Me, Marybeth, and Claire

Overall the party was kind of fun. We left shortly after because some people had early Traditions on Friday.

Marybeth and I went over to Downtown Disney to walk around. We started out on the West Side and got a beer to drink while walking around. We walked past the clubs and restaurants. We ran into this awesome bronze statue lady.

Marybeth put her beer in the woman’s hand and after this picture Marybeth couldn’t get her beer back. Eventually the woman let go but everyone was cracking up.

After taking our picture we walked further and saw a guy playing some instruments. He was good but this little kid stole the show! Unfortunately we were laughing too hard to get the really good parts but I did manage to take some video. He was interpretive dancing. It was awesome! We were standing next to the kid’s uncle. He told us that the kid’s dad was leaning against the wall smoking a cigarette and wondering why the kid couldn’t play football. It was hilarious.

After a bit more walking we found our favorite DTD activity. WATERFRONT DANCE PARTY!! WDP as it will be called from now on is a nightly (6:30 – 9:30) dance party in front of World of Disney. The guy who does it is hilarious! They do dance competitions and some group dances where he teaches us all dance sets to music and then everyone dances together. It is so much fun! I know it sounds weird but Marybeth and me loved it. Granted it was pretty much kids under 12, their parents, and us but we totally loved it. In fact we spread around the WDP love so much that Chelsea went later in the week. Trust me if you have the chance do it. During the one Chelsea went to they did a conga line through World of Disney and at one point Chelsea found a random shoe on the ground. Apparently some kid had conga right out of his shoe but didn’t want to stop so he just kept dancing!

Marybeth at the WDP!

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